October 7, 2007

October 7, 2007

It's a very warm day today. Where did fall go? This is a happy day. I just got finished making reservations to fly to Las Vegas in November for my newphew's wedding. It will be a mini vacation, as well. We will spend 3 nights at a hotel in Henderson (where my nephew's wedding will take place). Then, Mike and i will head downtown to Fremont St. for 2 nights. If you haven't seen the light show on Fremont St. in Las Vegas, you're missing it! Millions of laser lights in a canopy about 5 blocks long with music. The show varies and is shown on the hour (I think); each show is different. There are also artists on the sidewalks, live music for entertainment and just people watching (yikes!) -- some of the folks are strange indeed. The weather in Las Vegas should be wonderful in early November! It will be my first trip since I got sick and will be a dry run for my trip to Alaska in the spring. The picture with this entry was taken at Lake Mead when my nephew and I went sight-seeing there a couple of years ago.

I have no new medical news today; however, my leg is loosening up more each day. I can walk normally now (without a limp) unless I am exceptionally tired. God has given me more time (I pray a LOT more time). It's amazing how much joy a person can find in the small things. My sister said she read an article once and a question was posed in the article: "Would we live our lives differently if we were within walking distance of a graveyard?" My answer is an unequivocable YES!

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