October 19, 2007

October 19, 2007

There's nothing earth-shattering going on health-wise which is always a good thing. Last Friday Mike and I went to visit the nurses at St. Vincent's Hospital who so lovingly took care of me last year. It has been nearly a year since I left their care. Mike took a couple of pictures. Some of the nurses were not on shift that day. My physical therapist at the hospital, Sister Julie is also shown. Thank you, Burn Unit nurses, for the excellent care I received while I was your patient! Thank you, Sister Julie, for encourgaing me to do my therapy even on the days I didn't want to...which were many. You are part of the reason I am walking so well today. I miss you guys...but I don't want to come back as a patient! Someone else can have my room!

My next CT scan is scheduled for 2 weeks from today (November 2nd). To those who continue to keep me in your prayers, please pray that this time nothing will show up on the scan and my physical healing will be complete! While I've handled chemo relatively well I'm getting tired of poisoning my body. I know the victory is coming...I just don't know when. Only God knows the timing and what is best for me. Thank you for your continued prayer support. It's why I feel so good!

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